f [NEW MUSIC] Chris Brown: Where the fuck is my lighter [NEW MUSIC] Chris Brown: Where the fuck is my lighter [NEW MUSIC] Chris Brown: Where the fuck is my lighter

Saturday, December 01, 2012

[NEW MUSIC] Chris Brown: Where the fuck is my lighter

Singer Chris Brown is in the news again, looks like the “don't wake me up" singer is enjoying all the negative attention he has been getting lately, from having to cancel his tour cause of some women protesting, to smoking weed on stage, then twit fighting with comedienne Jenny Johnson, to deleting his twitter account and just when we thought he was gonna cool off after that he releases a new track and the title tells the entire story “where the fuck is my lighter”. Looks like breezy is gonna be needing a therapist cause brother is losing his mind. A line in the song says 

Drinking tonight, I am an alcoholic I wanna try something new, where the fuck is my lighter, I’m tired of all this shit” 

My question is what happened to that innocent 17year old boy who sang "Yo! Excuse me miss"? Looks like he’s #Dead.
And surprisingly Rihanna still be tripping, I smell the power of the “D” here. Advise for Rihanna? Stay away, cause you just might be ready for yet another beat down Cena style, and this time he’s gonna be justified cause we warned you.

Dont be the last to get the gist
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